The prompt this week is a question for you to answer: What do you want?
Make of this what you will. Maybe you read the prompt and instantly knew what the answer was or maybe it is something you need to sit and ponder.
It might be something simple like an early night or a foot massage or maybe something a bit bigger like a holiday or a new place to live.
It might be a thing or an experience or a feeling. I want to feel safe. I want to feel in control. I want to fuck them while their partner watches. I want…. what?
Maybe the question is for a fictional character that you piece is about or maybe the question inspires you to reach for you camera. It is totally up you how you answer the question: What do you want?
As always let the prompt inspire you in whatever way works for you and reveal your revelations here this week!
- Revelations will open on a Sunday and stay open until the following Sunday
- The prompt is optional but you must add the badge to your post if you want to join in
- Please read the rules before posting to make sure your post complies with the rules
- You can find a list of upcoming prompts on the homepage
- Enter into the community spirit and try to visit at least one other blogger on the list.